Legal Disclaimer -- The Elite Jalapenos are a 2 vs 2 arena team in the World of Warcraft. Any similarity to good arena teams, living or dead, is unintended and purely coincidental. The Elite Jalapenos play for entertainment value only and just want to have fun. We're in it for the gear!

Monday, August 4, 2008

New Lead in the missing Sphynx case!

Well we knew the "milk carton" trick would pay off eventually and it has with our first lead! Some information came in earlier today:

An anonymous tipster saw her walking in a daze down Gnome Avenue. Sphynx clearly was carrying the salmonella virus (in her pocket). She was mumbling something about "...he promised me he used protection!...he promised!..." Rumors believe the outbreak had caused her internet loss and a extended hiatus from WoW. More information to come as we uncover this sad tale of our once giggly priest...

Turns out the Azeroth P.D. isn't really much of an investigative unit so the Elite Jalapenos will take on the case. We'll turn over any information to the public as it comes in.